Tuesday, February 23, 2010

HDR photography

HDR photography really capture viewer's attention. It gives the sense of surrealism. HDR stands for High Dynamic Range, what it does it uses three different level of EV, and compressed it together to create HDR. This can easily be done on a DSLR camera. Standard digital camera would work, but it would require some steady finger. You can use Photoshop to create HDR image, but is a tedious process. There is a program out there called Photomatix that does a better job. I have done a couple of HDR work, and I would like to continue to make more HDR images.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Car in 2030

I drew this piece using water colors, because I wanted a different value in the color. I like this piece that I have done for my altered book. I use orange in the background to give it a strong momentum. I also like to "flick" the brush to gives those spot on the piece, and it gave the piece a sense of movement on the car.

Urban Graffiti

I found this website that totally blew my mind. There are three videos, but oneof those talks about how a group called the G.R.L which stand for Graffiti Research Lab. They brought graffiti into a whole new level. This is an open source group, and it allow other to do what they have done. This is a cleaner way of doing graffiti, because you're not spraying on a wall. All they use was a laser pen, laptop, and a projector. They had a program on the computer that allow them to output different styles of graffiti. I think this is the revolution of street art.

Check out more at this website:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Neat Photography

I was on a social networking site, and I saw this. It really caught my attention how you can use a picture within a picture. It seem like a really neat idea and I would like to try this out someday. All I need now is a Polaroid camera and I'm set.